Between Ontology and Pedagogy, for a "well-done head": remarks on "Pangnose" and "Panglosse"


  • Lucia Gerbino Università Roma 3 - Universidad de Alicante


E. Morin, M. Serres, Panglosse, Pangnose, Philosophy of Education, Ontology


It is increasingly palpable that the Philosophy of Education needs to re-actua- lize the present Weltanschauung, that is, the conception of the world, of life, and the role that the Man plays in the Universe. The paper examines a metaphy- sical problem, inspired by epistemological considerations of Serres, applied to ontological and ethical perspectives. The following analysys deals with the suggestion of the ‘head well done’, presented in the famous prospect of Montaigne for teachers, which is based on the reinterpretations of both Morin and Serres. This contribution will develop the serresian terms of “Panglosse”, ac- cording to all possible languages and “Pangnose”, as resulting generalization and dissemination of knowledge.





Critical Notes